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Eckhardt v. Des Moines: The Apex of Student Rights

Sean M. Sherman · August 2020
88 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. Arguendo 115

Fifty-five years ago, Christopher Eckhardt embarked on a journey that would leave an indelible mark on society as a plaintiff in the 1969 landmark student speech case, Tinker et al. v. Des Moines Independent Community School District. Since then, the Tinker family received the majority of accolades, as well as a permanent place in First Amendment lore. Chris was, as he once noted, relegated to being the “et al.” Despite Eckhardt’s historical marginalization, he and his family played as large a part, if not larger, as the Tinker family. This is the story of a nation at “war” and a handful of young students that stood up for what they believed.

Mr. Sherman’s Essay begins with a foreword by Justice Clarence Thomas and Judge Gregory E. Maggs.

Read the Full Essay Here.

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